4 Day Tanzania Camping Safari

During thi4 Day Tanzania Camping Tour Safari you will visit the Lake Manyara National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the Serengeti National Park then back to Arusha. While this safari has something for everybody – birds, the “Big Five” and a crater filled with wild animals, it is also ideal for those with limited time as it takes only 4 days but took you to the Most attractive parks in Tanzania.



4 Day Tanzania Camping Tour Safari

Day 1: Drive from Arusha to Lake Manyara

A Budget Camping tour safari will start after breakfast, your driver will pick up and drive to Lake Manyara national park, you arrive in time for lunch at the park gate lodge and after lunch we head into the Lake Manyara National . This national park is one of Tanzaniaís most dramatically located wildlife areas, consisting of a massive but shallow soda lake (covering two-thirds of the park), located at the foot of the Great Rift Valleyís western escarpment. The parkís varied habitat attracts a wide variety of animals, including one of Africaís largest concentrations of elephants, Lake Manyaraís unique tree-climbing lions, as well as large flocks of flamingos attracted by the algae in the lake.

Day 2: Manyara to Serengeti

After breakfast we head towards the Serengeti National Park, via the beautiful high lying farmland of Karatu and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Leaving the highlands behind, we descend into the heart of wild Africa ñ the Serengeti National Park ñ with its endless plains, rolling into the distance as far as the eye can see. We head to the central park area, known as the Seronera area, one of the richest wildlife habitats in the park, featuring the Seronera River, which provides a valuable water source to this area and therefore attracts wildlife well representative of most of the Serengetiís species. over night at Soronela.

Day 3: Serengeti to Ngorongoro Crater

An early morning start in the Serengeti to try and find cats before they retreat away from the blazing sun during the day. After a few hours game drive in the Serengeti drive to the Ngorongoro Crater.
Overnight on the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater

Day 4: Ngorongoro Crater to Arusha

This morning you will descend into the Ngorongoro Crater ñ a wonderful haven for wildlife. Ngorongoro is unique in that almost all the wildlife live within the crater walls hence you have the opportunity to find game easily. Rhino, in particular, can be seen regularly as well as prides of lion and other predators like cheetah. Enjoy lunch by the hippo pond before commencing your drive back to Arusha/Moshi.

See other Budget and camping Safari that we offer.

Your 4 Day Tanzania Camping Tour Safari Includes:-

  •  Transport with qualified driver/guide in fwd vehicles with viewing roof.
  • Camping fees.
  •  Camping equipment.
  •  Bottled of water per day.
  •  3 meals per day
  •  National Park gate fees.
  •  Park commission.
  •  Government tax

Your 4 Day Tanzania Camping Tour Safari Excludes:-

  • Tips for guides and cook.
  • Lodging before and after the safari.
  •  Optional visit to Oldupai Gorge and a Maasai village.
  •  Visa fee


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